About Tara
About Tara
Tara Farkas
Psychic Medium/ Paranormal investigator
Tara was able to connect with spirit at a very young age. A natural talent passed down from her grandmother. She now uses those skills to connect clients to their loved ones. Psychic readings are always an option for clients just looking for guidance. She works with her own team of spirit guides along with client guides and loved ones. She uses all her senses to translate and deliver messages from the other side. Questions are always welcome. She enjoys explaining the crossing over process for anyone that is interested. She is always the teacher and always the student. Wishing to share and learn anytime she can.
She enjoys helping people with their life journey.
She can connect to photographs pretty quickly and finds personal items and photographs help enhance mediumship readings . She loves all divination tools to include dowsing rods, Bone & Stone casting, Witching Runes, Pendulums and a variety of cards. She is no holds barred with messages giving the good and the challenging messages. Always delivered with as much care as possible.
Paranormal investigations has become a regular part of her life as a Psychic investigator for Port City Paranormal in Wilmington NC. She has recently started adding suicide resolution, murder cases and missing persons.